What makes my studio different?

Learning to play the piano can be so rewarding in so many different levels and it also has so many benefits, developing devotion, discipline, intellectual intelligence, patience, self-esteem and artistry.

One of the best ways to cope and handle emotional stresses and situations in life is through music, and I believe that it’s truly the therapy for the soul and mind, helping someone cope and deal with their own emotional and mental state.

My students learn how to express themselves emotionally as well as expressing their thoughts and feelings through music. It also helps them reach the levels of intellectual intelligence.

I get my students used to proper practice routines and habits in the studio, in order for them to accurately practice on their own at home when given their assignment and material to practice for the week.

Lydia's Background

Lydia Bujok is a piano teacher, pianist, performer, composer and writer who has been classically trained since the age of six, where she first started pursuing her piano education with Debbie Rauscher and soon after Marvin Blickenstaff, two former piano teachers.

During her years of studying with Mr. Blickenstaff, Lydia has also been involved in The New Jersey Music Teachers Association (NJMTA) Program, Annual Spring Festival Achievement Awards, scoring Excellent from 2006-2015. She’s received a five-year award and seven-year award in the Piano Festival during her active years while being involved in performing in the program. Lydia has also been involved in being a High School Choir and Woman’s Choir Accompanist all throughout her high school years from 2011 to 2015. She accompanied and has been active in both of the Choirs, being involved in accompanying many volunteer events such as assemblies, visiting nursing homes, school choir trips and different churches around the area. During the course of her whole music education, Lydia has been active in performing in classical piano recitals, concerts, repertoires, festivals, talent shows, accompanying in high school choral choir concerts, directed her high school choir, accompanying separate church choirs and her own high school choir in churches. She was involved in singing soprano/alto in the main choir and in the Woman’s Choir, performed background piano music for high school award assemblies and is now currently composing her own piano music. 

Lydia has worked as an accompanist for separate church choirs with children and high school students and has also worked with children for about seven months in Child Watch at The YMCA, gaining a lot of experience, knowledge and patience with how to act, interact, react and cope with children of all ages. She currently now runs her own piano teaching business called Lydia Michelle Piano Studios.

Piano instructors throughout the years:

Debbie Rauscher (2002-2004) Marvin Blickenstaff (2004-2015) Dr. Mark Thomas (2011-2015)